I recently heard many opinions and statements from web developers regarding the PHP Code Generators. Most of them are saying that PHP Code Generator is not good for developing web applications. Some of them even don't know how PHP Code Generator can save tons of their time in developing many web applications.
So I wrote this article based on my experiences using PHPMaker as the best tools for developing many web applications. I can develop many web applications without having to write many lines of code. Most of the time I only need to write a few lines of code for my business logic/process only from the Server Events or Client Side of it.
I hope this article will give you the idea about how powerful and flexible PHPMaker are as the PHP Code Generator. This article also will answer the Top Most 10 Myths regarding PHP Code Generator.
Myth 1: Fit only for making the prototype of applications
Fact: It is not true. PHP Code Generator can actually be used to create the complex and ready-to-use applications. The limitation for this will depend on the ability of the PHP Code Generator itself. In addition, it also depends on the ability of web developers.
Myth 2: Making developers become lazy
Fact: It is not true. A good PHP Code Generator actually will not make developer lazy. In addition to implement the most common features in a web application, PHP Code Generator also will even help developers to concentrate on implementing the business-process. You can even save your time to develop web applications up to 80%, since PHP Code Generator will generate those most common features basically. PHP Code Generator even will help developer to learn the most features that must be exist in a web application.
Myth 3: It generates the code for CRUD only
Fact: It is not true. A good PHP Code Generator will not generate the code for Create, Read, Update, and Delete functions only. In other words, in additions generating the CRUD functions, it should be flexible and has the ability to customize it on the fly, too. It should have the ability to create a web application which can be adjusted and customized and extended easily and dynamically. For example, it should be easy to add and execute the additional code after a record is successfully being inserted, updated, and so forth.
Myth 4: It is very rigid and hard to customize
Fact: It is not true. A good PHP Code generator if it enables developer to customize the template, add a new business process on the fly, save all the changes based on the project file, maintain the generated web applications without having to touch the generated script files, and fast in generating code. It also provides developer the must-functions in a web application. That is, it should allow and enable developers to add the custom code, both in Server Events or Client Side (Javascript, etc). It should also enable developers to easily customize the template, moreover each project usually uses the different template that suits their needs. In addition, it provides the convenience way for the developer to add the additional features through plug-and-play extensions.
Myth 5: It reduces web developer's creativity
Fact: It is not true. Actually this will depend on the ability of the web developers. A good PHP Code Generator will provide the templates which allow developers to enhance it and implementing their creativity to make web applications. So, there are no reasons to limit the creativity of web developers that caused by PHP Code Generator. It provides developers the most and basic features in a web application. From this point, developers should be able to enhance it using their own creativity.
Myth 6: Difficult to use because it is quite complicated
Fact: It is not true. PHP Code Generator was made to make Developers life much easier and fun. There is nothing difficult for developers if they do learn and practice to use it from day to day and using any case in the development time. A good PHP Code Generator will always include the guidance from its Help, Tutorials, and Discussion Forum for their users. It will be fun again when PHP Code Generator can be used by developers to overcome the difficulties in making the web applications, and the developers can learn more from the generated features. Important to remember, PHP Code Generator was created by the developers who had felt the difficulty of building applications by writing/typing hundreds/thousands line of code.
Myth 7: Developers still have to customize the generated code
Fact: It is not true. A good PHP Code Generator should not recommend developers to manually change the generated code. The only file that usually be changed is only the generated configuration file. Even a good PHP Code Generator provides the ability to customize the configuration file in the generating process. It also should always remind the developers to always work and implementing the changes or implementing the business process from the code generator side, either from Template or Server Events / Client Side. Developers have to re-consider more than once if they want to customize the generated code, since it will be replaced in the next generating process. For me, I can always implement my need simply via its Server Events and Client Scripts.
Myth 8: Not many web developers using it
Fact: It may be true or may not be true. True since most of PHP Code Generators are not free. You have to buy it in order to use it. Let's then compare it with the open-source product. Fortunately, most of paid PHP Code Generator includes the powerful and flexible features than the open source products. There are beginner developers nowadays and they usually do not want to spend their money to buy PHP Code Generator. However, the myth is not true for advanced developers as they don't care if they have to buy PHP Code Generator as long as it will help their job to develop applications quickly and easily.
Myth 9: It is (too) expensive
Fact: It is not true. Actually, it depends on the features that provided by the code generator. You need to review the features of it first before deciding to buy it. It is not always more expensive will have more features. For this, you should do comparasion between one and the others. One simple thing to remember is if you spend your money to hire developers to develop some web applications with the same amount you buy that code generator, which one will give you the advantage? For me, investing my money to buy code generator will give me many advantages rather than hiring developers. I can develop unlimited web applications by using PHP Code Generator. No pains, no gains!
Myth 10: It does not have a good support
Fact: It is not true. A good PHP Code Generator if it provides developer the technical supports, either from discussion forum or contact form. In addition, it will provides the bugs-fixes, enhancement features, new features, and using the latest technology. You should review it first before use or buy it. It is normal to buy a product which contains a good support accordingly. The most important things are: by using PHP Code Generator, you can develop web applications quickly, consistent, and easy to maintain in the future.
All of those facts above actually have been proven by PHPMaker. In other words, PHPMaker has the answer to prove those all myths above are definitely not true. Many other things you will know after using it in your development time. More cases you use to implement it, then less time you can learn and comprehend it.
So, if you have not used PHPMaker, then it's time for you to use and prove it now! It's time for you as developers to make your life easier than ever. Time to leave writing the hundred or even thousand lines of code. Time to develop and maintain many web applications easily and quickly!
Jian Yi Yang says
all of the myths reason I all agree too, and I always talk to my friend why I use PHPMaker, and how PHPMaker save my time How I use phpmaker to develop my project…
Masino Sinaga says
And so do I. I can even develop 6 – 8 different web application projects simultaneously without having any difficulty.
Jian Yi Yang says
hrhr, now is 2014/7 , I saw this topic and review again… it’s amazing I see my post yesterday..^_^
I forgot that I have been reply for this topic before…
PHPMaker still good and better than before…very quickly…