Warning: Only for the latest version of PHPMaker 2023 (currently is 2023.13.27). Please DO NOT use for other PHPMaker version!
Just download this single zip file, and then extract it to this following folder:
C: > Users > {user} > AppData > Roaming > phpmaker2023 > extensions
To test Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2023, you need the following project file:
Demo Project File of Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2023
Change Log:
Last Updated: November 8, 2023
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.27 template file.
September 23, 2023:
- Improved MasinoBreadcrumbLinks global function by handling 404 page route not found.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.26 template file.
August 17, 2023:
Updated .css file version.
August 16, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.24 template file.
August 12, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.23 template file.
August 4, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.20 template file.
July 21, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.18 template file.
July 18, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.17 template file.
July 4, 2023:
Fixed warning message: Attempt to read property "fields" on array.
July 3, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.13 template file.
June 30, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.12 template file.
June 25, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.6 template file.
May 31, 2023:
- Improved detail error message in Production mode now will not be displayed.
- Fixed TokenTimeout dynamic property issue in PHP 8.2.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.5 template file.
May 25, 2023:
- Added new option RemoveCurrentPageSubheading in MasinoHeaderFooter19 Extension in order to remove current page subheading.
- Added new feature Ensuring data integrity with master/detail tables. Thanks to Adam!
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.4 template file.
May 20, 2023:
- Fixed some warning Javascript message regarding bootstrap-colorpicker.js.map file not found.
- Improved OverlayScrollbars and make sure still working and stay using version 1.13.3.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.3 template file.
May 14, 2023:
Improved parent menu item on Sidebar that has URL, now when active/selected, it will automatically by default expand the Sub-Menu below.
May 13, 2023:
- Improved parent menu item on Sidebar that has URL, now can be expanded/collapsed without having to click on its Text, but simply click on the left arrow icon. In other words, now the parent menu item on Sidebar may have the link in it. The previous condition, if we click on left arrow icon, then it will visit the link that belongs to that parent menu item.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.1 template file.
May 11, 2023:
Fixed Javascript error in browser's Console, when displaying the userpriv page with dynamic table and its permissions. Make sure you have already re-generated ALL the script files and upload jquery.jtable.js file under jquery sub-folder to your production server.
May 8, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.13.0 template file.
April 24, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.12.5 template file.
April 21, 2023:
- Improved MasinoSearchPanel19 Extension, so that now it can be used independently without having to enable MasinoHeaderFooter19 Extension.
- Improved MasinoHeaderFooter19 Extension, so that it can be used without having to depend on MasinoSearchPanel19 Extension.
April 19, 2023:
- Fixed Detail Preview in the generated web application does not expand if MasinoPreviewRow19 is enabled prior to MasinoFormWizard19 extension.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.12.2 template file.
April 12, 2023:
- Fixed Javascript error in MasinoFormWizard19 Extension that will clash with Multi-Page feature of PHPMaker.
- Improved the display of action/submit button on Add and Edit forms that use Form Wizard will only be enabled at the last page only.
April 11, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.12.0 template file.
March 24, 2023:
- Improved getCurrentPageTitle global function.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.11.4 template file.
March 20, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.11.1 template file.
March 7, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.11.0 template file.
March 4, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.10.5 template file.
February 17, 2023:
- Fixed undefined msg_desc Javascript error message.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.10.1 template file.
Februari 10, 2023:
Fixed email Subject in Registration does not contain the correct information issue.
February 9, 2023:
- Added a new setting option in MasinoRegister19 extension named HideTextOnRegistrationPage that has the ability to hide the TextArea control that will display Terms and Condition string in the Registration page. This is very useful to save space in the Registration page.
- Added a new constant named MS_HIDE_TEXT_TERMS_ON_REGISTRATION_PAGE in the generated src/constants.php file, which is related to that new setting option above.
February 6, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.10.0 template file.
February 5, 2023:
- Improved MasinoFormWizard19 extension for Registration page.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.9.9 template file.
January 15, 2023:
- Improved Alertify Message Box by customizing the icon becomes bigger and located at first column.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.9.5 template file.
January 13, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.9.3 template file.
January 10, 2023:
- Fixed Search Panel and Button on each row of List Page is not loaded after Row_CustomAction is executed.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.9.1 template file.
January 9, 2023:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.9.0 template file.
January 4, 2023:
- Fixed initial date on Calendar Report does not working if date format other than yyyy-MM-dd.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.13 template file.
December 31, 2022:
- Improved the Sidebar Legacy style for Light-Mode and Dark-Mode.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.11 template file.
December 28, 2022:
Fixed some unmatched colors for Dark-Mode style for both Light and Dark Sidebar.
December 24, 2022:
- Improved the Dark-Mode style for Light Sidebar.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.10 template file.
December 15, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.8 template file.
December 9, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.4 template file.
December 5, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.8.0 template file.
December 3, 2022:
Improved CurrentUserInfo global function by modifying the filter based on Username only. This will make the function can handle users that have same User ID. For example, the field contains Office code that might be same for some users.
November 30, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.7.6 template file.
November 28, 2022
- Re-improved Dark Mode color scheme, becomes not too softer.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.7.4 template file.
November 27, 2022:
Improved Dark Mode color scheme, now becomes softer.
November 26, 2022:
- Improved the paragraph text style for Mobile mode now become bigger.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.7.3 template file.
November 23, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.7.2 template file.
November 15, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.7.0 template file.
November 11, 2022:
- Improved MasinoVisitorStatistics19 extension for SQL Server Database.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.6.7 template file.
November 5, 2022:
- Fixed update 2 different events will display the same title, description, and event color.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.6.5 template file.
November 2, 2022:
- Synchronized MasinoPreview19 Extension with the latest version of Preview Extension.
- Changed style of Native Select control width by removing width=100% part.
November 1, 2022:
- Added some Extended Property for FullCalendar: dateStart and dateEnd.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.6.0 template file.
October 30, 2022:
- Improved empty table in List Page by adding a blank row.
- Improved the style of Placeholder font color for Textbox control becomes softer.
October 26, 2022:
- Improved ExecuteHTML global function for handling numeric value display.
- Improved Javascript framework for handling Grid-Add display.
- Improved pagination button radius style becomes flat.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.5.3 template file.
October 25, 2022:
Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.5.0 template file.
October 24, 2022:
- Fixed Custom Template with Grid-Edit mode not working in Modal Dialog.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.14 template file.
October 23, 2022:
- Improved ExportPdf to ExportPdfMasino class by adding images and logo folders as chroot options of Dompdf class. This will make Dompdf can recognize those 2 folders as chroot, as well as the Upload folder setting in your PHPMaker project.
- Improved Table Maximum Selected Records option by combining the Project and Table level setting to restrict the maximum selected records per table. The Table setting, of course, can overide the Project setting.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.12 template file.
October 22, 2022:
- Improved the look and feel of Query Builder form for Dark-Mode.
- Improved the style of Placeholder font color for Select/Combobox control, now becomes softer.
- Improved the style of selected item in Lookup Modal Dialog, now becomes eye-catching.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.11 template file.
October 21, 2022:
- Fixed Calendar Report can be accessed by Anonymous users who do not List permission.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.8 template file.
October 20, 2022:
- Fixed Calendar Event with URL does not support right-click menu.
- Fixed Popover Header background color for Dark Mode.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.6 template file.
October 19, 2022:
- Improved login business logic, if user session still active, auto-remove the session, so that he/she is able to login without asking for help to admin user to remove the session.
- Added new phrase into .xml language files, to explain in more detail Error 403 and 404. Make sure to use the latest .xml language files from the demo and new project of ILovePHPMaker.com.
- Improved Calendar Report by adding the ability of displaying an item in Modal dialog by single left-click on the event.
- Improved MasinoCalendar19 extension by adding some global options for Calendar Report.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.2 template file.
October 18, 2022:
- Improved Calendar Report by displaying success message after add/edit events.
- Improved Calendar Report by displaying confirmation message before save an event.
- Improved Calendar Report by adding some advanced new options.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.4.1 Template file.
October 15, 2022:
- Fixed Submit button generated on each Page/Tab if Multi-Page is enabled in Registration page.
- Improved the button style for Dark-Mode in Query Builder page, now more eye-catching.
October 14, 2022:
- Improved User Privileges page by replacing Tabulator with jTable that used by v2022, since there are some issues when using Tabulator for the generated page.
- Improved the reliabilityof User Privileges page, now becomes quicker in rendering and more stable while displaying/saving the permissions from/to database.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.3.4 Template file.
October 11, 2022:
- Fixed Export to Print URL for Reports does not work.
- Fixed vertical layout for Export to Print does not work.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2023.3.0 Template file.
October 10, 2022:
- Fixed show message does not work if Use Bootstrap Toast message option from Tools -> Advanced Settings disabled and UseMessageBoxInsteadOfToast option from MasinoHeaderFooter19 extension disabled.
- Improved the logic in showMessage method of MessagesTrait so that it can handle the possibility disabled of those two options above.
October 9, 2022:
- Fixed missing some files for Help Online, About Us, and Terms and Conditions.
- Adjusted Tabulator Javascript files to version 5.3.4 that compatible with Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2023.
October 8, 2022:
Initial release.
Version | [2023.13.27] |
Last Updated | November 9, 2023 |
Downloaded | 409 times |
Create Date | October 8, 2022 |
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