Have you been using PHPMaker 9.2.0 and also using Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 9.2.0 and need to use RTL (Right-To-Left) style in your generated web applications? Well, now you can turn your web applications into RTL style easily and quickly only by using Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 9.2.0. The only language that supports for RTL […]
Two Options of Settings: Database or Configuration File. Which One Would You Use?
I just realized that some of developers get confused about the settings that related to the web applications that generated by PHPMaker which uses the Extensions I created (for version 9.2.0 and 10). Moreover, after step-by-step implementing Masino Extensions, then they changed the related settings from the generated configuration (ewcfg10.php) file, but unfortunately, the change […]
Moving “About Us” Link from Footer to Menu in Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.2.0
If you are using Masino Extensions — especially MasinoHeaderFooter — in your PHPMaker project, then you will see that the About Us link will be located at the Footer of your web application. When user clicks on the link, then there will be an About Us dialog box is being shown up. For those of […]
Implementing CSS Sprites in Web Applications that Generated by PHPMaker 9.2.0
As we have already known, CSS Sprites has the ability to reduce the HTTP requests and the bandiwdth usage of your web applications. You are strongly recommended to implement it for your web applications, moreover if you are using some icons or small picture. Instead of downloading all the pictures several time from the web […]
The Custom Language Phrases in Masino Extensions 9.2.0 Now Has Been Separated into the Language Files
For those of you who have been implementing Masino Extensions for your PHPMaker projects and really want to maintain the custom language phrases that located inside my extensions easier, then please re-download again those seven extensions that last updated on today, August 28, 2013 (MasinoLogin, MasinoForgotPwd, MasinoRegister, MasinoChangePwd, MasinoFixedWidthSite, MasinoPreviewRow, and MasinoHeaderFooter). You can download […]
How to Manage Breadcrumb Links Using MasinoFixedWidthSite Extension for PHPMaker 9.2.0
After implementing Masino Extensions in a new project of PHPMaker 9.2.0, now we are going to manage the breadcrumb links after generating the script files using PHPMaker application. As we have already known, breadcrumb links is very useful in a web application to let your users know where they are or what is the location […]
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