I am so happy to announce you the officially release of a New PHPMaker 2025 Project file. This PHPMaker project file is useful if you want to create a web application from scratch using PHPMaker 2025 and Masino Extensions.
This project includes some other useful files, such as: the SQL script to generate the mandatory Tables and Stored Procedures and the customized .xml language files for your references.
Many advantages you will get after using this New PHPMaker Project File:
- You will have already had the minimum tables that needed for your project using Masino Extensions.
- Since you will have the basic needed tables, then you only need to add your another tables into the database, and then synchronize to this project.
- You don't need to configure the Fields setup for the certain tables, such as settings (believe me, this table has so many Fields so that you will avoid to setup all the Fields from scratch), users, announcements, help, help_categories, etc.
- You don't need to configure the Security settings for your web application since they have been included in this project.
- You will have the most needed PHPMaker project setup, especially if you implement Masino Extensions into your PHPMaker project.
- You will have some useful Servent Events ready-code in it, so that you can use them on the project basis.
- You will have a new Application Settings menu that contains almost all web application configuration settings which will be easily configured by Admin on-the-fly.
- Your End-Users (non-sysadmin) will be able to configure their preferences easily by using the ready-configuration settings.
To implement this new project file for your new web application, then make sure you have downloaded ALL the latest version of Masino Extensions files that I made for PHPMaker 2025 from the following Download link below. Extract them, and then replace all the existing extensions with the new ones.
Download Starter Kit Project Link:
Download Masino Extensions:
Download Demo Project File:
Demo Link:
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