Warning: Only for the latest version of PHPMaker 2020 (currently is 2020.0.16). Please DO NOT use for other PHPMaker version!
Change log:
Last Updated: October 20, 2021:
- Updated code in fpdf library
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
February 27, 2021:
- Updated FPDF library to the latest version. Currently is version 1.82 (2019-12-07).
February 23, 2021:
- Improved MasinoPreview16 extension by removing SequenceNumber option. For simplicity and consitency reasons, the logic in this Extension will follow the Sequence setting under Table setup of each related table.
February 22, 2021
- Improved sequence number in Exported file by handling the possibility of Aggregate row.
February 20, 2021:
- Improved Export Data feature, by including sequence number in the exported file. The sequence number will only be included if the Sequence option under Table setup is enabled.
- Improved Preview Row to display sequence number in detail section of Master list page via MasinoPreview16 extension.
December 8, 2020:
- Supports displaying session count down in minutes:seconds format. Make sure you have already downloaded the customized version of .xml language files for PHPMaker 2020.
December 6, 2020:
- Improved Import Feature, by always showing the upload log file if the error was happened while importing data.
December 4, 2020:
- Improved the Login page, by decreasing the Login box from 450px to 350px.
- Improved Import feature, by saving the error message that defined by setFailureMessage method in Row_Import server event to the .txt log file.
November 24, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.22 ( Template file.
November 14, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.21 ( Template file.
October 13, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.19 ( Template file.
- Improved Alertify confirmation for multi-update page.
September 10, 2020:
- Fixed the issue of component's z-index in table row will overlap with the table header when scrolling down/up.
- Fixed the issue of header table position will not sticky when scrolling down the vertical scroll bar.
September 9, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.14 ( Template file.
- Improved CurrentUserInfo() global function, now it always forced to get the related field from users table (ignore the value from Profile field).
September 4, 2020:
- Updated AlertifyJS to the latest version: v1.13.1.
- Fixed error in Console if Sidebar is scrolled by using Mouse Wheel (make sure you have already re-generated ALL the script files, and re-uploaded ALL the script files to your web server).
September 1, 2020
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.14 ( Template file.
- Improved Alertify confirmation message for multi-update page.
August 28, 2020:
- Fixed warning message from Console section: "[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'touchstart' event.". Make sure you have already re-generated ALL the script files, and make sure to upload the "assets" sub-folder to fix this issue in your generated web applications (replace the existing one with this latest version).
August 22, 2020:
- Added CalendarTheme option (either Bootstrap or Standard) in MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension.
August 21, 2020:
- Improved the look and feel of Day Grid Dot Event in MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension, now it looks much better and more eye-catching.
August 20, 2020:
- Fixed undefined arg argument error in MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension.
August 19, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.8 ( Template file.
August 17, 2020:
- Improved MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension, by upgrading FullCalendar to version 5.3.0.
- Fixed broken layout issue for WeekDays mode in MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension.
- Fixed duplicate element id on Add/Edit form in MasinoCalendarScheduler16 extension.
August 2, 2020:
- Improved some code in .css files under the assets folder for consistency color in header section.
June 16, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16.1 ( Template file.
June 1, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.16 (16.0.16) Template file.
May 31, 2020:
- Fixed Announcement and Maintenance mode does not work properly.
May 24, 2020:
- Fixed Captcha does not work properly in Forgot Password (Password Recovery) page.
May 21, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.15.3 ( Template file.
May 18, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.15.2 ( Template file.
May 12, 2020 09.12 AM:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.15.1 ( Template file.
May 12, 2020 01:30 AM:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.15 (16.0.15) Template file.
April 9, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.14.2 ( Template file.
April 6, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.14 (16.0.14) Template file.
April 4, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.13.4 ( Template file.
March 26, 2020:
- Improved the loading of userevt.js file, by adding its file version. Very useful if you add Client side events code, so your end-users no need to do hard-refresh/reload the page to download/use the latest userevt.js file in their browsers.
March 25, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.13.3 ( Template file. Yep! Build 3 for 16.0.13.
March 24, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.13 (16.0.13) Template file.
March 22, 2020:
- Improved detail record count, it will not be displayed if the value is equal to zero.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.12.4 ( Template file.
March 9, 2020:
- Re-Improved validateUser function so that now can detect whether the user has already been activated or not, especially when User Activation feature is enabled. This will also fix the issue if user and/or password is not valid.
March 6, 2020:
- Added PixelsLogoWidth and PixelsLogoHeight options in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension, so the logo image size can be adjusted when displayed in Header section.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.12.2 ( Template file.
March 3, 2020:
- Synchronized to latest PHPMaker 2020.0.12.
February 24, 2020:
- Synchronized to the latest PHPMaker 2020.0.11.3 ( Template file.
- Added a new option of ThemeColoroption: NavyAsideOrangeHeader.
- Fixed minor issue and improved all the possibilities of the usage of ThemeColor option.
February 5, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.11 (16.0.11) Template file.
January 23, 2020:
- Fixed confirmation dialog not working properly when submitting the form in Grid-Add mode.
January 22, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.10.1 ( Template file.
January 21, 2020:
- Synchronized with PHPMaker 2020.0.10 Template file.
January 18, 2020:
- Added new options ModalCentered and ModalScrollable in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension.
- Added some options for using custom domain URL in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension.
- Added some options for removing certain directory and port from URL in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension.
January 16, 2020:
- Improved style for h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 css style, now uses font inherited from the current font.
- Synchronized to latest change in PHPMaker v2020.0.9.3 Template file.
January 14, 2020:
- Improved the theme so that it is now fully compatibles with Bootstrap 4.4.1.
- Improved the Search Panel toggle button, now the pressed effect is working properly.
- Improved the down-arrow in dropdown button, now compatibles with the theme.
January 7, 2020:
- Synchronized to latest PHPMaker v2020.0.9 Template file.
December 28, 2019:
- Improved validateUser function so that now can detect whether the user has already been activated or not.
December 24, 2019:
- Synchronized with the proper Bootstrap version that used by Masino Extensions template style.
December 11, 2019:
- Improved MasinoPreview16 extension by handling of Alertify confirmation dialog message option for Add page.
- Synchronized with PHPMaker v2020.0.8 Template file.
December 5, 2019:
- Improved displaying confirmation dialog in Add and Edit page that displayed via Modal dialog and triggered from View page.
- Improved handling of unauthorized user before adding a new record.
November 26, 2019:
- Improved Terms and Condition logic if "Use tabular form for desktop" option is enabled from Advanced Settings.
- Minor adjustment of code in phpfn.php template file.
November 25, 2019:
- Synchronized with the latest PHPMaker 2020.0.7 template file.
November 24, 2019:
- Improved the css form class in order to display the Textarea control better.
November 23, 2019:
- Fixed Lookup Table is not displayed issue in Registration page.
- Fixed some minor issue in phpfn.php file.
November 16, 2019:
- Improved the User Privileges page, now supports Scrolling Table with the first column freezed and the table header will be fixed/sticky on top.
November 14, 2019:
- Fixed Colorbox is not displayed properly issue.
November 13, 2019:
- Fixed Maximized and Close button position issue in Alertify for the RTL mode.
- Synchronized to the latest build template of PHPMaker 2020.0.6.
November 8, 2019:
- Synchronized to the latest PHPMaker 2020 template that will fix the Confirmation mode in Registration page,
- Improved the logic of displaying Terms and Condition on Registration page.
November 6, 2019:
- Improved Bootstrap Modal dialog in Calendar Scheduler for Add, Edit, and View page now supports centered on screen and vertical scrollbar if the page content is too long.
November 5, 2019:
- Improved Lookup Text width for Field that uses Lookup Table both for LTR and RTL.
November 4, 2019:
- Fixed Multiple-Update feature issue
- Synchronized to latest build PHPMaker 2020.0.6.
November 2, 2019
- Added some new Fonts for "FontFamily" option in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension. Now there are totally 9 (Nine) Google Fonts available: Comfortaa, Exo, Montserrat, Muli, Open Sans, Poppins, Quicksand, and Roboto. All of them can be accessed locally!
- Removed MasinoConfirmAction16 extension from the zip file.
November 1, 2019
- Added "AlertifyTransitionStyle" option in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension; now there are two options you can choose: Pulse (new since v2020) and Zoom (v2019 and earlier),
- Added some new Fonts for "FontFamily" option in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension.
October 31, 2019:
- Improved box width for Login, Forgot Password, and Change Password pages.
- Improved box area for Master page.
- Added FontFamily option in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension; now there are three fonts available: Open Sans, Poppins, and Quicksand.
October 30, 2019
- Fixed check whether Logo exists in server and should be displayed.
- Fixed Personal Data link/URL issue in User Profile dropdown.
October 29, 2019:
- Fixed QuickActionsCount option does not work if count is lower than 6.
- Added two options for ThemeColor directive in MasinoHeaderFooter16 extension; OrangeAsideNavyHeader and OrangeAsideBrandHeader.
October 27, 2019:
- Fixed Alertify confirm message does not show up in pages that use Modal Dialog.
October 26, 2019
- Improved Announcement and Maintenance Mode feature.
- Added new phrase into the .xml language files.
October 25, 2019:
- Improved modalDialogShow function by handling the custom message via its arguments; implemented for Change Password page.
- Improved Change Password page by displaying the values on form if validation returns error message.
October 24, 2019:
- Improved MasinoHeaderFooter16 extensions, now Logo can be displayed properly, when all menu items are located on Navbar (there are no menu items in Sidebar/Aside).
- Implemented Password Policy in Change Password page, as well as in Registration Page.
October 23, 2019:
- Improved MasinoSearchPanelStatus16 extension, by adding InitSearchPanelAsCollapsed option.
- Fixed Filter Delete dropdown submenu does not show up in List Page.
- Improved Modal dialog now by default displayed centered.
- Improved Modal dialog for Add/Edit page now can be scrolled if the page content is too long.
October 22, 2019:
- Fixed Quick Actions issue that still displayed, even the related setting in Extensions has been disabled.
- Improved handling of logged-in users, if they are trying to re-login again, system will automatically clear the current user session, so that he/she will be able to login without having to depend on admin to clear the session.
October 21, 2019:
- Improved Help Online now supports to be displayed in Modal dialog window.
October 20, 2019:
- Fixed displaying Photo in User Profile dropdown section.
- Fixed DateTimePicker in Calendar Scheduler page.
- Improved get focus on username in Login page.
Instead of downloading separated Masino Extension file (currently there are 11 single extension files), now you don't have to download 11 times anymore!
Just download this single zip file, and then extract it to extensions sub-folder under your PHPMaker target installation folder.
For more information, please read Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2020 Is Released!.
File | |
MasinoExtensions for PHPMaker v2020 All-In-One |
- Version 2020.0.16
- Download 492
- File Size 22.53 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date October 19, 2019
- Last Updated October 20, 2021
Thank you for your innovation
1. extension Capthca can’t show, can you fix it?
2. How script to hide sidemenu in login page?
Please press F12 from your browser, and see whether any Javascript error message.
In my project I have user level.
In Advanced Security I have options one by one table/view but for calendar not show.
Calendar SQL:
0.250198: (mysqli): SELECT Event_ID, newtitle, Event_Start, Event_Start, Event_Color, Event_Title, Event_User, Repeat_Type, Repeat_ID FROM vfs_hoje_calendar WHERE Added_By = ‘Jon’ OR Date_Updated = ‘Jon’ OR Event_User = ” OR Event_User = ”. Error: (0)
how should I make the calendar not use this filter?
I dont want WHERE by user in calendar every body can see calendar.
You may customize the related code from the generated calendarscheduler.php file.