There is always the good news for you who have been using Masino Extensions! Now you have an option to display only detail count which greater than zero in the Detail section of Master/Detail. In other words, you will not see the detail count which contains no data in it. This really cleans things up […]
MasinoPreviewRow, the Substitute for PreviewRow extension in Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.2.0
MasinoPreviewRow extension is an updated version or the substitute for PreviewRow extension that created by PHPMaker. This extension will be placed in the same Details Preview type with the original PreviewRow extension. In other words, you cannot use both PreviewRow and MasinoPreviewRow extension at a time. You have to choose one of them. With this […]
A Case Study: Hiding the Master Fields in Master/Detail Pages of Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.2.0
PHPMaker generates the Master/Detail pages by including the *master.php file into the generated List page that belongs to the detail table. For example, the master table is orders, and the detail table is orderdetails and both tables have already been associated as Master/Detail in Table setup of PHPMaker. So, in the generated orderdetailslist.php file, you […]
How to Hide PreviewRow Tab of the Restricted Detail Pages in Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.2.0
PreviewRow extension (only for the registered PHPMaker users) is one of the best extensions that provided by PHPMaker. It will turn your List pages which have some detail pages in it into several tabs. The tabs are hidden by default, and replaced by only plus (+) icon. When you click on the icon, then the […]
A Case Study: Adding Prev Next Navigation Links in the Master/Details Page of Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.1.0
Have you ever wanted to add the Previous and Next navigation links in the Master/Details pages of web applications that generated by PHPMaker? As we have already known, PHPMaker can generate the Master/Detail pages powerfully only in a few seconds. Unfortunately, it has not provided the navigation links as well as the pagination links in […]
How to Add an Empty Table in Detail Preview Row Tab of Websites that Generated by PHPMaker 9.0.3
If you are using the PreviewRow extension in order to display the detail preview row of the certain master record, you will find that if no detail records found for that master record, then the tab view will look so ugly, since there is no the outline border around of its area. You will only […]